Spine Surgery
SaiShree Hospital is recognised as one of the top hospitals in Pune for a spine surgery because of the extraordinary level of dedication and hard work of our team. It’s crucial to realise that the vertebral column, one of the most intricate structures in the human body, protects the spinal cord. A healthy spine is equivalent to a healthy life, in our opinion at SaiShree. Nonetheless, it is crucial to understand that as we age, our spine becomes more susceptible to illnesses and issues.
Reasons of Back Pain?
Generally Spine problems occur due to several reasons including sitting postures, standing walking and every kind of activity we perform. Over a period it results in straining or compressing of nerves which results in back pain. It is observed that this has effects on back as well as your legs. People tend walk slow or unable to walk are commonly observed symptoms.
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Modern spine procedures have been revolutionised by the development of minimally invasive methods, much like other surgical subspecialties that use narrow surgical corridors to target diseases. Spine surgeons can accomplish the same aims as open surgery while minimising the collateral damage connected to open procedures thanks to modern minimally invasive surgery (MIS) techniques. Surgeons are able to avoid a lengthy incision and a significant amount of muscle dissection by using MIS procedures. Avoiding tissue damage can speed up healing by reducing hospital stays, postoperative pain, and blood loss. Numerous laboratory, imaging, and biomechanical studies have demonstrated that MIS techniques enable improved preservation of typical spinal motion and minimise paraspinal muscle atrophy.
Types of MISS:
- Herniated disc (cervical disc, thoracic disc, lumbar disc)
- Spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Degenerative spinal disease
- Spine deformity such as scoliosis or sagittal malalignment (kyphosis)
- Spinal fracture
- Spinal infection
- Spinal tumor
The most recent development in endoscopic spine surgery is unilateral biportal endoscopy (UBE) or second generation endoscopy, which utilises all the principles of endoscopy while also doing away with its drawbacks. With UBE, nearly all spinal issues, including slip discs or herniated disc, sciatica, and canal stenosis throughout the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, can be treated all at once.
During the procedure, the surgeon inserts the endoscope through one of the incisions and uses it to visualize the spine and any abnormalities. The surgical instruments are inserted through the other incision, allowing the surgeon to perform the necessary procedures, such as removing a herniated disc or trimming overgrown bone.
With the benefit of the ground-breaking UBE procedure, a spine surgery patient may unquestionably enjoy a normal life, dispelling the idea that it will leave them paralysed or with no lower limb motion.
The beauty of the UBE Technique is that it has no age restriction and alot of spine surgeries which involve instumentation in the form of Screw fixation can also be done with this Revolutionary technique endoscopically. Where in the patient is mobilized within a fewhours after the surgery and in most case discharged within 24 hours of their surgery. Infact, before the discharge the patient is allowed to walk independently, use washroom, take shower, climb stairs, and do almost all necessary activities on thier own
Usually injections are advised to patients who have slipped disc which is irritating the nerve root or the spinal column but not significantly compressing it. Less than 50% of compression is where an injection is suggested. An injection does not guarantee the symptoms will go away, but it is definitely something given in properly indicated cases that can prevent surgery. So it is better to try out an injection don’t consider it as the only treatment modality but definitely something you should try out. If the pain reoccurs immediately, then you might need surgery. If you get a good long lasting pain relief then surgery can be prevented, so it is something you should surely consider.
This technique involves the use of a small, flexible tube with a camera attached to the end, which is inserted through a small incision in the skin. The camera provides a high-definition image of the surgical site, allowing the surgeon to perform minimally invasive procedures with greater precision.

Dr Ketan Deshpande – He is an Orthopedic Spine surgeon with special interest in the field of MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery)
Dr. Ketan Deshpande has over a decade of experience in the field of spinal surgery and holds a record for the maximum number of surgeries using biportal endoscopic procedures in India. His strengths lie in minimally invasive spinal surgery and he has pursued prestigious fellowships in South Korea and Germany to further hone his skill-set. He has been a faculty and has presented his work nationally & internationally. Currently he is the core committee member of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons Association Bharat (MISSAB).
Dr. Deshpande received awards from Times of India for Best Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeon (2021)